DAY 319 (Wellness holidays?)

If you are a working woman reading this post and if you are a mother too, tell me if you ever had a holiday which was truly holiday for you? Finishing off pending tasks, doing that extra cleaning or taking up extra responsibilities because you are not working today, is that really a holiday? 

While men in my workplace are making one-day trip plans and beer outings, I am planning to buy that new pan that has been pending for long. Does that ring a bell? Well, find your happiness in small things they say. And buying a new pan is also happiness but then how is it different? 

Trying to pursue a hobby? Well it takes a lot of work too. Sometimes you have to find people to pursue a hobby which often you don’t especially if those people are also women. Secondly, if it’s a solo hobby, you can truly get to it peacefully only if your child is sleeping or occupied in a class/school or somewhere else and by the time you get to it, often the passion is fizzed out.

On top of all of it, the biggest pain of all women : “what” to cook! Cooking is never a problem but the consumers don’t know what they want and we have to best guess and sell the product. This training is not given in any course in the world! 

My company has this policy of giving 4 wellness Friday offs in a year. Today is one of those and I am so well that I am writing this post here ! Meanwhile the men in my team are getting together, doing what they usually don’t get time to do and defining wellness Friday. 

And that’s why for women I think the wellness Fridays should be defined as compulsory outing by the company where you must be present and away on the venue for minimum 8 hours. I don’t care whether they just give us a dormitory to sleep off. But the basic requirement of cooked good food (if possible topped with some beer!) , no noise and no phone network would be just perfect!

I know it’s a lot of venting but can you blame me?

Happy un-wellness Friday ladies!


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