
DAY 320 (Dream of a doer!)

 I am elated today because my childhood friend achieved my childhood dream! They say that people live their dreams through their children but I feel there are few such close-st ones who when they achieve something you always wanted to, a major part of you wins! So we are friends since 20 years and before being friends, I had always been a fan of this girl. Excelled in academics, love to read books, talks intellectual with a great sense of humor and can just lighten you up by being around. Over the years, we became the closest of friends, even roommates, our spouses being friends, we 4 becoming fantastic 4, we separating our cities, becoming parents at just a gap of 3 months, and still till date meeting once a year like a religion! Over the years, she has never ceased to amaze me with the way she handles life, changing drastically and yet remaining the same. And yesterday, I (umm...I mean the fantastic 4) got on a video call (because we have to share all the big things in life to each o

DAY 319 (Wellness holidays?)

If you are a working woman reading this post and if you are a mother too, tell me if you ever had a holiday which was truly holiday for you? Finishing off pending tasks, doing that extra cleaning or taking up extra responsibilities because you are not working today, is that really a holiday?  While men in my workplace are making one-day trip plans and beer outings, I am planning to buy that new pan that has been pending for long. Does that ring a bell? Well, find your happiness in small things they say. And buying a new pan is also happiness but then how is it different?  Trying to pursue a hobby? Well it takes a lot of work too. Sometimes you have to find people to pursue a hobby which often you don’t especially if those people are also women. Secondly, if it’s a solo hobby, you can truly get to it peacefully only if your child is sleeping or occupied in a class/school or somewhere else and by the time you get to it, often the passion is fizzed out. On top of all of it, the biggest pa

DAY 318 (Do you talk or respond?)

Writing has always been healing to me. It has always happened that I would have words articulated exactly the same way I am thinking them when I am writing but when I speak I always miss somethings and then I redo it in my head. Has it happened to you? I went back many times to retrospect why so? It took me to as back as I could remember where I was hardly 8 years old and used to maintain a diary where I talked everything "to" it. "Dear diary..." and it went on everyday. I had so much to tell my diary and if someone asked me how was school today, I would say fine. There were no big secrets spilled there. What secrets would a 8 year old have? I still remember journaling stuff like, "Oh it was such hot weather today! We did not even get enough water breaks! How unfair?!" But if someone would ask me later "You seem dehydrated." I would say "Oh, is it?" So having never acknowledged for all these years that I am the most expressive and "

Day 317 (Sisterhood!)

There are a lot of times in life when you look like this confident successful person on the exterior while you are fighting a battle inside every second. You have this timid little person inside this brave shell.  Recently I faced such situation where I was a confident achiever a day before but there were upcoming challenges right around the corner that clouded my self-confidence every other second. I didn’t know if I was good enough. Every pointed finger made me question myself. Unfortunately there came an awful night before a big morning where I broke out. I didn’t see anyway out and I wanted to run and hide in my shell.  You know, it so happens often that when you are in such a phase, you are best for you! There is no one who can understand you better than yourself and it’s your own battle to fight and win over. But being humans, we look upto our family and friends to rescue us.  Being a woman, lately I have learnt there is nothing better than female friendship(s) to get you out of

DAY 316 (Hear, Hear!)

 Have you ever experienced the pain of being unheard?  You are talking to your elders pouring your heart out and they are just mindlessly nodding their heads and sometimes even not that. You are in a room full of people where you are at the table as part of a decision maker but people talk over you or repeat the same things you said and getting acknowledged while it seems your voice didn't reach them? You are talking to your children and they shut the door on your face or after 5 mins ask you to repeat what you said because they were not listening? Your texts being read but are not replied to? Your spouse engaging you in a guessing game where you guess whether he/she heard you or not because you don't get any response? How do you deal with such situations? How to be heard? How to be respected when you speak? Some people might say talking is an art. You need to learn how to say what you want to say so as it makes an impact. Okay. I can agree with this for a public speaking situa

DAY 315 (Self-worth)

 When I wrote the post on retrospection, many people discussed a lot of things with me which made me feel good for two reasons: 1) They read my writing  💓 2) The post stirred something inside each of them and I learnt so much from the discussions. In one of those discussions when we kind of side tracked to the topic of doing things for ourselves, one of my friends said that she has been doing it lately consciously and she feels it is very important for the reminder of our existence. She gave me a specific example that earlier when she used to order anything to eat, she would always think or ask her kids what they want. Even if she doesn't want to eat, she would order the same. But now, she rotates this choice of food. At times, the kids eat what she would want to order and this makes an incredible difference.  This thought kept ringing in my mind and today I decided to implement it. So, today its me and my son at home alone and I was super hungry at lunch. He was hungry too but no

Day 314 (Chaos)

 We often find ourselves lost in the jungle of chaos in the middle of life. What is chaos? The one that is inside or the one that we “think” is outside?  Too many thoughts can be chaos. Absolute silence can be chaos too. Not crying at all can be chaotic and so is crying unstoppable. Not writing it out can be chaotic and so does writing on and on.  Where does it end? Please don’t say nowhere. That’s a dangerous word. If it ends nowhere that means it is endless. And who would want to live in an endless loop of unwanted things? Once again, for everything the answer is within. The answer for you is you and for me is me. We seek darkness hence we find it. If we seek light, it is easier to find as a matter of fact because it is within. I know it doesn’t work when it comes to it. I know it is not easy. But what is easy? From the day you were born, from lifting your neck to dealing with this today’s chaos, everything has been difficult. But we still lifted our necks. We rolled, we crawled, we