
Showing posts from March, 2012

DAY 176 (Reality v/s idealism..!)

There are innumerable situations when you have a big fight inside that grey matter of your head. Fights where truth gives you a slap and idealism begs you for respect. And its never too easy to take sides. Its like choosing between your own 2 children. You go for 1 for sometime but then your conscious shakes you hard to reconsider. You fight..and fight..and fight some more...but the result is "YOU LOSE"! Either way you are the one to lose. Either its the loss of your idealistic principles or the reality which you are ignoring. It actually depends on the weight of the topic much it weighs for you, how much it weighs for your family and how much for your society. Whichever holds more importance...influences your decision. And its never "right" or "wrong". Its just a decision for which you are responsible and can't step back. For me, it has generally been idealism. It empowers me more than reality. Sometimes, I get paid well for it...and ...