DAY 305 (Big wins and small losses!)
During the past few weeks, I wanted to write on so many occasions but sometimes the situations held me back and sometimes I didn't have the flow to complete the post. So I intend to give it a try now... Its not so long ago that I wrote last but there are so many big wins and small losses that happened with me during this period: I won a lot of time with my son. I especially love our exclusive walks at odd hours when mostly no one is around and we are just ourselves talking about the trees, our favorite things, school stuff, some teachings and learnings from both sides, running, sometimes cycling and being silent. I lost the zeal to grab projects and be on top of things. Well, you got to set your priorities. Sometimes life is calling out to you to retrospect, pause and redo certain things. You accept the reality of the situation and you choose what is important for now. I won a couple of great friends. I am a social person in general but I am neither a person who hangs out in group...