DAY 305 (Big wins and small losses!)

During the past few weeks, I wanted to write on so many occasions but sometimes the situations held me back and sometimes I didn't have the flow to complete the post. So I intend to give it a try now...

Its not so long ago that I wrote last but there are so many big wins and small losses that happened with me during this period:

  •  I won a lot of time with my son. I especially love our exclusive walks at odd hours when mostly no one is around and we are just ourselves talking about the trees, our favorite things, school stuff, some teachings and learnings from both sides, running, sometimes cycling and being silent.
  • I lost the zeal to grab projects and be on top of things. Well, you got to set your priorities. Sometimes life is calling out to you to retrospect, pause and redo certain things. You accept the reality of the situation and you choose what is important for now.
  • I won a couple of great friends. I am a social person in general but I am neither a person who hangs out in groups, nor am I someone who opens up to just anyone. However, I still found a couple of people right where I live who are just steps away from me and I can call them friends for life. They are less than handful but they are more than enough to what I need.
  • I lost multiple attempts till now to make my kid "socially perfect". I haven't been able to teach him the difference between home and school behavior. I haven't been able to tone down his moods or to discipline him to his age.
  • Still, I won my son's outstanding performance on his culmination day in school which left me crying my eyes out like a toddler when a day before there was no hope that he will be participating in his big day. I won his new learning to cycling with full pedaling, his love for jumping and exercise, his acceptance to learn new things.
  • I lost my reading time temporarily to things that needed my immediate attention. However, while I write this, I think I am already going back on track. So I cannot call it a loss now technically.
  • I won the confidence of dancing in front of people as a performer and I did it in one of the grand celebrations of our apartment.
  • I lost self-confidence for few days. I was doubting myself for a lot of things too frequently.
  • I won the zeal to start back my running and become regular even if its less frequent. Going to attend a marathon event this Sunday after around 6 years!

In all these wins and losses, I learnt and gained so much. No loss was big enough for me to literally "lose" something in life but all wins were grand enough that they will be my award for life.

So never be disheartened at those small losses which might seem big enough for the moment but eventually you will win and then those losses will just seem as big as a hiccup.

Cheers to a winning day 😊


  1. The balancing the priorities are tough, deciding the border line’s are tough; identifying what is important in our life is an amazing art 😊👍🏻


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