DAY 311 (Love and losses)
When today everyone talks about love and pampering, I want to talk about loss. Loss of a life, loss of a relationship, loss of memories, loss of friendship. How naive it is for someone to assign a day of love. Can you love someone for a day? Can love be for just a day? Like losses, love is a constant. When you lose someone, you lose them forever. People might argue that a lost relationship/friendship sometimes comes back. Does it? Does it ever come back in the same form it went? I don't think so. There is always this wound that you taped which if ripped, will again make you go through it all over again. Today, 11 years ago, I lost my grandfather. There were flowers and kisses exchanged all around but we were grieving. But still, on his death anniversary when I go back and remember him, I only find love. Sometimes, it might feel like I am forgetting his face and then the next time, I can recall each wrinkle on his fingers. He taught me to write. I would have never known how to writ...