DAY 311 (Love and losses)

When today everyone talks about love and pampering, I want to talk about loss. Loss of a life, loss of a relationship, loss of memories, loss of friendship.

How naive it is for someone to assign a day of love. Can you love someone for a day? Can love be for just a day? 

Like losses, love is a constant. When you lose someone, you lose them forever. People might argue that a lost relationship/friendship sometimes comes back. Does it? Does it ever come back in the same form it went? I don't think so. There is always this wound that you taped which if ripped, will again make you go through it all over again.

Today, 11 years ago, I lost my grandfather. There were flowers and kisses exchanged all around but we were grieving. But still, on his death anniversary when I go back and remember him, I only find love. Sometimes, it might feel like I am forgetting his face and then the next time, I can recall each wrinkle on his fingers. He taught me to write. I would have never known how to write in English had he been not there. And his way of teaching was brutal. I hated those moments. But today, I only remember love.

So in a way, loss and love are related. Many a times, people start loving people when they lose them. How ironical. 

I am reading this book currently तितली by Manav Kaul.

If you have not read this book and you can read Hindi, it is a strong recommendation.

It is a book on death but gives a completely different perspective on it. We all think death is loss of life. And things stop there. But this book talks about the aftermath and much more.

I strongly feel that death births love. In many ways. We love what we never realized. We become empathetic more than ever. We appreciate love more than ever.

And like death is permanent, so is love. So while you express and love with all your heart today, do that forever. One day is not enough. Even forever is not enough. 

By the way,  तितली means butterfly: Brief but beautiful.

Happy Valentine's Day.


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