DAY 179 (Enough is ENOUGH..!!!)
Every one needs to be shaken and shaken hard to see what they had been pretending to ignore. Everyone knows what is happening around them, in their society but no one (including me) bothers to dig out the statistics and facts behind the crime. We spend almost our whole days on internet doing literally "nothing" ; at the maximum we read a few related articles but initiative is what we miss. A show as amazing as "Satayamev Jayate" has given me the means to be a part of the initiative today. It has touched me to the core which is why I am pouring my words in this post. Female foeticide is such a relevant and prevailing issue since past so many years. So many cases have come up. So many sting operations have been made. But nothing changed. None of it. And the fact which hit me the most was that the crime is committed by well-educated people like us in majority. Big cities have crime rates in terms of female foeticide much higher than small towns. And what for? No...