DAY 250 (The disadvantage of a sane husband)
So there is this big disadvantage of having a super-good husband. The whole world starts treating you more moronically than you actually are. Be it your family. The same set of family who were really not sure of making him their son-in-law, now in every unbeatable argument of mine punches back saying, let us talk to him about it, he will understand. He is more matured. Those set of friends. For any stupid or I-don't-care topics if I am not agreeing with them as much as they want, they want him to be dragged. It does not matter if he has a background also or not. It does not matter that it will take all the more time to get him on the same page. And it does not even matter if he is interested also or not. But since he is supposed to be The Right Person , he has to come in. Every decision of mine has to be discussed with him according to public vote. Every advice that I seek and ask only a certain set of people comes back saying, don't ask us, you have such a great husban...