DAY 318 (Do you talk or respond?)
Writing has always been healing to me. It has always happened that I would have words articulated exactly the same way I am thinking them when I am writing but when I speak I always miss somethings and then I redo it in my head. Has it happened to you? I went back many times to retrospect why so? It took me to as back as I could remember where I was hardly 8 years old and used to maintain a diary where I talked everything "to" it. "Dear diary..." and it went on everyday. I had so much to tell my diary and if someone asked me how was school today, I would say fine. There were no big secrets spilled there. What secrets would a 8 year old have? I still remember journaling stuff like, "Oh it was such hot weather today! We did not even get enough water breaks! How unfair?!" But if someone would ask me later "You seem dehydrated." I would say "Oh, is it?" So having never acknowledged for all these years that I am the most expressive and ...