Day 317 (Sisterhood!)

There are a lot of times in life when you look like this confident successful person on the exterior while you are fighting a battle inside every second. You have this timid little person inside this brave shell. 

Recently I faced such situation where I was a confident achiever a day before but there were upcoming challenges right around the corner that clouded my self-confidence every other second. I didn’t know if I was good enough. Every pointed finger made me question myself. Unfortunately there came an awful night before a big morning where I broke out. I didn’t see anyway out and I wanted to run and hide in my shell. 

You know, it so happens often that when you are in such a phase, you are best for you! There is no one who can understand you better than yourself and it’s your own battle to fight and win over. But being humans, we look upto our family and friends to rescue us. 

Being a woman, lately I have learnt there is nothing better than female friendship(s) to get you out of a situation where you doubt yourself.  Being a big advocate of womanhood and sisterhood, this day marks my memory forever for being pulled out of a ditch from the best rescuers anyone could ever have. 

Imagine having someone around you, who with a sense of “something’s wrong” just makes sure she meets you face to face and works on you and gets you all fixed up!

Imagine someone who is a thousand miles away but shadowing you like your soul and makes sure you never feel the long distance. You get supported like having a physical shoulder to cry on right next to you!! 

I do not think these kind of blessings come as a return of good Karma. I feel such friends/people are there in the world to prove to the cosmos that goodness cannot extinct. Love cannot extinct. Selflessness cannot extinct. 

I know our darkest, deepest fears and secrets are organically kept safe with our families often but mine are safer with the families I chose! Sisterhood goes a long way .. and I think it’s the most underrated bond in the universe.

While you lose some, you gain some. But when you gain love from people who you know are meant to be in your life and vice versa, I think your life served its purpose.

So raise a toast to all the women who are there for each other when no one is. Women who offer their hands to step you up the ladder. Women who are your family more than your family is! I love you girls ❤️



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