DAY 258 (Being there without being there..)

Sometimes, I feel that over the time, my strengths have become my weaknesses and vice versa. Sentimentality most of the times, cost more than you can afford and it has indebted me time and again.

Some bonds give you the feeling of 'forever'. There is no replacement. But over the time, when you grow up, your expressing powers fade away and you are not really good at words anymore. All you do gets translated to duties rather than affection. It is hurtful and aches you to your core. But you just don't want to give up. However, there are times when one should realize when your affection is not really pleasing the other person. You share from your part but they don't feel like reciprocating. You still think of them to give all the "first-news", but they hear it like a news-feed rather than a sharing.

At these times, you should know to step down. What care is it if its not pleasant enough. What affection is it if it just acts as a last string of hope between you two. What bond is it if it is only keeping you from falling for a little longer.

So, you wait or you don't, but just keep the happy memories intact with all the love and regards for that person. You keep it in your heart that you will always be with them even if you both went different ways. You remember their comfort when you cry and thank them from inside when you are blessed. You pray for them in your prayers and wish them all the happiness in all they do.

That's how sometimes it is and you just have to accept it.....for old times sake.


  1. One thing that i fail to understand is when things turn bitter between two people who shared good times earlier. All of a sudden; they start blaming each other; there is only hate. How can you hate that person with whom you once shared all your joys once upon a time? Anyway this was a bit off topic but thought it was relative.

    True; as time passes; we get familiar and love transcends to everyday duties and responsibilities. But expressing once in a while makes it more special. Especially when its a woman; we are wired to demonstrate love verbally and regularly. We expect reinforcement.


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