DAY 267 (Untitled... because its a rather long story!)

So.. Day 267 took a lot of days or rather months to come along..didn't it? Why? Well because I have been pregnant all this while (still am!) and its a rather busy job !

So today I am to discuss my experience with this sometimes-happy-sometimes-crazy ride with you guys.

Well where do I start? ...From the starting I guess?

The first time when you suspect and you know that you are expecting, its an ecstatic feeling! It changes so much inside you. Something just turns in your heart. From that moment on, whether you believe it or not, you are a mom and he is a dad!

Then you start dreading what's gonna happen to your body, your health. You remember all those things you saw in TV or heard while people discussed. She was puking all the time. She was on bed-rest whole 9 months. And you are praying to God to give you strength to cope with all this. You go all geeky and become a researcher of pregnancy. And internet confuses you so much. Someone says this will happen, other one says that will happen, and a newer guy says you can never know what will happen! So you don't even realise that you crossed 3-4 weeks or almost a month without any incident or sickness.

And then enters the hellish phase! Just one normal day, before leaving for office you sit with your breakfast platter and your cup of tea when suddenly you realise you are averted by tea or the smell of that bread! Well, you just think to yourself, I have been eating this for past couple of decades of my life, why this aversion now? Before you get any time to think, the most famous phase of pregnancy starts- PUKING! From then till couple of months more, you can never know what you can eat which won't come out unless its kept in front of you. And even if you can eat it, it can't be more than a couple of bites. You might be in your office and while your manager is discussing a deadline with you, you excuse yourself to do another round of puking and you think this will never be over and these days and these minutes and seconds are crawling like snail and you are gonna die! Oh.. the most important thing: you will be aversive to your spouse too! And to top it all, you can't share the big news with everyone due to so many superstitious reasons but you still choose to tell a few where you get surprised by the variety of reactions you receive. Some turn overly protective and overly happy for you and some are just like... errr... okay great, congratulations! 

Anyway, this phase somehow crosses and you enter the second trimester. If you are a working woman and a sincere one, you will be surprised to realise that the first person you want to tell is your manager! Why? Because you are tired of being sick and hardworking at the same time and you want him to know why you had to excuse yourself all this while or will be doing so in future. Anyway, when you have prepared yourself to be weak, sick and irritable all the time, suddenly you start getting better. One fine night, you get up at 1 am and you realise that you are feeling hungry so much so that you want to eat everything that you missed for past 3 months ! But alas! that first night you are not prepared with readymade snacks because you never knew that you will ever be wanting to eat anything in your life again. That is the day when your aversion to your spouse ends! Selfish...isn't it? But you can blame it on the hormones! Trust me you can blame all your craziness to the hormones these 9-10 months. Anyway, so your spouse's full time duty starts from that day and the poor guy becomes the midnight cook for the rest of your pregnancy. Slowly, your diet increases, your weight is still in control and increasing in a steady pace so you are not so worried. You want to eat the entire planet on most of the days. Your hunger triples and sometimes quadruples, and you start relating to all your foody friends and their love and pickiness towards food. You start craving for certain things and slowly your partner also understands your cravings and makes sure you have something around always to gobble up. People might have started visiting you, mostly parents/in-laws and started giving you a lot of gyan now but the best part of their visit is you don't have to bother about cooking or feel guilty about making your spouse work so much inside and outside of house and you just enjoy being a eater!
Surprisingly, I developed a crazy interest in cooking too during this phase. I always wanted to know how my mother cooks this and that and though I still didn't have the energy of a normal person but I always wanted to gather some, and cook (even if for just myself) and eat all the time. Hospital visits are tiring and irritating during this time because you just want to get through your office work, and then sleep or eat all the time but then that's a necessity you can't turn your face from.
While you are entering in the last month of your second trimester, one fine day, you feel a gentle pat or rather popcorn fluttering in your stomach. You don't really know what is it but you feel so good that day. And then it becomes a more frequent and daily phenomenon and your doctor tells you that its your baby kicking inside you! Oh that feeling.... Feeling your baby inside you might just be the best feeling in the world. Better than that first crush, your spouse's proposal, your marriage or anything else in the world! It beats them all.

I don't know if its the kicks (I would like to believe so it is), but you start getting better from that day. Your strength is back, your motherly cooking instincts kicks in and your baby sends signals your brain what he/she wants to eat and you cook like a super-mom to serve your baby's wishes. Your lunch-boxes first doubles, then triples and in my case: quadrupled in size and people around you (who didn't know) start suspecting and start asking, is there a good news round the corner?

While the days just started flying away, you enter the third trimester. That's when one fine morning, your stomach has just swollen up like a ballon, your weighing machine starts throwing up random numbers and you start getting bigger everyday, so much so that you cross your spouse's dimensions too. Everything else remains the same except that, you can neither control your size, nor your hunger and you start worrying about your physical appearance with each passing day. Those weird looking stretch marks all over your body, your wardrobe getting smaller with each passing day, your feet getting heavier, your body moving like a penguin, your disbalancing, your taking a while to get up from a place you sat upon, and what not! You are happy in a way that your baby is getting bigger and healthier but you are so paranoid on the other hand, thinking on how will I get back in shape and get rid of these marks? Or will I get rid of them ever? You get so possessive and overly loving towards your spouse that you just want him around all the time. Blame it on the hormones still! There are days when you are all happy and talking to your kid in your tummy and there are days when you just keep thinking crazy things like, I am gonna be a big rounded ball forever now.
One fine day, your kid decides to demand your full attention and goes all MMA (mixed martial arts) in your tummy. Oh, those strong kicks, those heavy turns, sometimes constant knocking and baby swimming all over, that makes you forget most of the things because you can't ignore it. Kiddo starts preparing you with a crash course of "how NOT to sleep throughout the night", "how to give full attention and plan your schedule according to baby's mood" and "how to plan for the rest of your life around him/her". You get stronger and start getting more confident intuitions whether its gonna be a boy or a girl (but you still need to wait till the end) and you get surer of his/her name with each passing day.

Before you know it, the day might just be in the corner and it can happen anyday now and you go back to being a researcher to know "how am I gonna know, this is it?"

Well, that hasn't happened with me yet, so I am still in this last question of the last phase, but whenever its gonna be, its going to change everything in and around my life much more beautifully and wonderfully than ever. Sure there are gonna be hard days and good days and bad days but there is always gonna be those tiny little fingers tied around me to remind me "I am there for you momma and I am going to guide you forever and ever!" :-)


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