Day 269 (The unspoken truth)

No book, no mother, no mil and no experienced friend would tell you this.... being a mom is a hell lot tiring and depressing in the first phase than you expected. Your personality has gone to ashes. There is no you. All you know and remember is... your child’s last feeding time and next feeding time. You won’t remember your hobbies, your likes or your dislikes even if someone forced you to remember it.  Your confidence would be way below the previous highs you touched. You will be all time stressed and you can’t explain why to anyone. This and much more...

But trust me... never once would you regret having that tiny little bundle of joy in your arms. All those breast feeding sessions will be worth it when he takes a big burp! All depression would vanish when he licks your face and laughs. All stress would go away when you dress him in those new set of  clothes. And your only hobby would be to talk endlessly with him when he is in his playtime mode :-)

So hang in there mommies... there is still light at the end of this long tunnel. And remember that all this patience will come handy in near future :-)


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