Day 271 (The solo trip..!)

So all trips of Mom and MIL are done and now starts the solo (or rather duet) trip of raising the kiddo. Nervous? Yes. Excited? Hell.. yes! Scared? Ummm... a little bit.

We often don’t count the small things. Someone Opening the door while you are nursing the baby, telling the cook today’s menu while you are rocking the baby, sleeping for a couple of hours in the morning while Dadi/Nani have the kiddo time. It seems so small that you think it’s easy as hell to do it along with the other big things you have been doing. But well...we will know in few days how easy or small it is.

Whatever maybe the case... it’s gonna be a solo trip from here on and there is no going back! Kiddo will get bigger, naughtier, more demanding and what not... but you will always be that timid mother who is still learning... Sigh!


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