Day 285 (Homemaker)

A woman is always a homemaker first and then anything else. It’s just that some realise it sooner and some realise it later. There is no modernity or othodoxity in it. This is just how the world works... across households, across geographies and maybe across planets (if there is life somewhere else).

Some of us accept this reality with open arms. Some of us are well prepared. Some of us try to accept it for a long time while living it but all of us must learn to start from a common truth “it might be unfair at times but it’s not bad”. As a homemaker you have the power to know it all. What works what doesn’t. How this can be done in 20 mins and how can I squeeze in a power nap in a packed day. Which weekends have the liberty for you to relax and which don’t allow you to take a break. How to squeeze in your work with others schedule. How to make chapatis while discussing a complex issue in an office meeting. How your meetings are full of “mumma” and “cook” and “laundryman” moments and how you still manage to earn enough to hire for all these helps.

You might think at times that it’s a thankless job which it is but it will become thankful if you fall sick or just get out of that role for a while. But I know you can’t. Because I can’t. Because none of us can. Because we are always homemakers.. in sickness, in health and till death do us apart.. :)

-A tired homemaker


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