Day 299 (Just usual catching up..)

 A post after a long time and a lot happened since then.

Met my family after 2+ years to attend my sister's wedding. 

Discovered that my son is a keen traveler.

Visited close friends for new year celebration.

Husband caught and fought Covid. I and kid went through some tough time supporting the covid warrior and trying to keep ourselves safe.

Met office team after 2 years.

Met another friend after 2 years.

Kid graduated from pre-schooling from his first ever school and ready to join his new school in couple of months and pretty excited for it.

So all in all, lots of reunions while fighting some challenges of life.

Now that it is being said that life is getting back to 'normal', we need to first redefine normal. Offices expecting us to come back to office in hybrid model should help us understand where to dump our kids of age who do not have access to any vaccination? 

There are news that mask is not going to be mandatory going forward should help us understand how to breathe confidently when for 2 years we have lived in fear and the virus is still said to be endemic.

I know that there is no end for this so lets move on to more random things.

I heard when my kid was around 2.5 years old that there is something called 'terrible 2' in kids of this age. People asked me if I am going through that. And I very confidently said "no, we are lucky". Apparently for us terrible 2 was actually terrible 3. And we both are puzzled and trying to understand parenting everyday with new techniques hoping these are just phases. I am sure experienced parents reading this won't even remember their phases now but then grass is always greener on the other side. :-)

I got some really empathetic support from my workplace when my husband was fighting Covid but when I joined back after around 3.5 weeks, there was a lot to be taken care of and from Feb to March I was packed and struggling to strike a balance between household and work. Now that I have things pacing down, husband's never ending never-paced-down office is climbing its peak everyday. I know I have said in my old posts that talking is best especially when it comes to maintaining your relationship with your spouse but I guess there must be an amendment to those posts to talking anything outside of work. :-D

Work is a sensitive topic. And even strongest foundations of marriages can get some shivers if played with it.

Moving on, I have got some good social circle in our own house apartment and that's something I missed ever since I was in Bangalore. Most of them are like minded people and come from similar background so it's good to share time with them.

Speaking of this, I started a book club in my apartment which is so special to me because it is something after college that I did something with commitment in what I love. It's going great and I am getting excellent feedbacks and making some exclusive book friends starting from 5 years of age to age-no-bar!

Jumping to another thing I love (which is sports), I participated in an apartment Cricket league which was majorly a men's league but had 1 woman in each team and guess team won the league !! :)

So as I said..a post after a long time and I guess it was just justified to catch up first before jumping to newer posts with dedicated topics. 

Hopefully, gonna write soon! 


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