DAY 161 (Compromise...)

I used to think once that compromise is a complicated word. Dislikes sometimes re-word as compromise. Attitude hides behind compromise. And above all... Adjustment is a big-time synonym of compromise.

But no!

When you think alone...when you define in a multi-dimensional parameter...compromise is much bigger than all these. Its not just an adjustment or a discomfort or a mere deviation. Its killing your instincts and living someone else's life. A life where you say what the other person wants to hear. A routine where you convince yourself to do what you are doing.

Its also assumed that when someone else is doing it for you...its adjustment or a minor change for his/her own good. But when its becomes a sacrifice!

Does it?

I believe if you are not habitual of lying to yourself...if you know that person who you see daily in the would know. You would know whats happening. No matter what people say or claim. You know it inside.

Its just that everytime its wrapped in a different kind of relationship. Mother-daughter, brother-sister, husband-wife ... and the list goes endless.

But no matter whatever said and done...people will always differ from each other. And to match up those differences with the people whom you wanna relate to... "Compromise is the key"..!
So...all the best!


  1. I too believe "Compromise is the key"....
    But sometimes I wonder 'up to what extent?'


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