DAY 259 (Confession and a Disclaimer)

I am a possessive friend. First of all I won't be good friends with you unless I absolutely fantastically like you. But once I am in, you might wanna get out of my zone because of my suffocating love for you.
I know it sounds scary..but well I am scary when it comes to attachment.

I can't tolerate you not replying my messages or replying after hours when I am always online for you and by always I literally mean 24x7.
I can't tolerate even more when it is because of some other friend of yours whom I really hate !
I can't tolerate you doing something wrong and me not being able to scold you because of your dominant behaviour.
I can't tolerate you being all friendly with someone who is clearly not your type and you just want to be on good terms with him for no good reason.
I can't tolerate you making me go silent all the time because you have just decided not to share what's going on and neither do you let me ask too.
I can't tolerate you suddenly sharing check-ins and selfies with someone you used to bitch about to me few days ago.
I can't tolerate you just saying no to everything I demand.

Well, for me these things that happen from your side is not fair and its just not me to accept them thinking that you must be right every other time. I love you truly and that is why these things bug me. And if me being bugged bugs you then, are we really friends?


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