Day 284 (Peace of mind)

Since (Recently) I have been introduced to something really calming called peace of mind, I have understood that as soon as you turn down the chaos inside (your mind) you can see chaos all around you dancing like crazy monkeys. When people behave impulsively like you, it’s very unusual to see how unpleasant you sounded. Talking without listening, fighting without a cause, it’s all very common. But it’s really not needed. I am not preaching... I am telling you what I learnt from personal experience recently.

Sometimes being talkative makes you blabber a lot of things that you regret later. Maybe you vented out a fight with your family in front of your friend and later you realise that the fight is all gone but now it’s very difficult to change the impression on your friend of your family. Small stuff like these, if avoided on time, can solve a lot of complexities.

Parenting is another example. Not losing your cool and trying to understand the child’s perspective is of utmost importance. Sometimes you realise that it was all very logical what your kid was trying to convey but just because he is a kid you weren’t taking him seriously.

Take a moment before doing anything that you are going to do, before saying anything you are about to say. If you practice it as a routine, soon you won’t have to stop yourself to think, rather it would happen naturally. You will feel like a better person, a calmer person, a happier person and a more energised person.

It all sounds theoretical but it’s been tried and tested by me and it works like a charm.

No harm in trying... eh?!


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