DAY 309 (Roots and Wings)

Recently, I read this book "Postscript" by Cecelia Ahern which is the sequel of the famous romance fiction P.S. I Love you. Its a strong recommendation by the way. However, the book talks about a concept called "Roots and Wings" which fascinated me so much that I kept thinking about it and wanted to write something on it. 

Without giving any spoiler of the book, there is a point where one of the characters asks Holly (the protagonist) : what is that one thing in her life that gives her both roots and wings?

Such a powerful question, isn't it?

We all want to soar high in our life in all aspects: we want to succeed in career, in relationships, in parenting, in business and what not. Those are the wings we need to fly and reach the heights.

At the same time, many of us want or rather need to be grounded and never forget our roots. What made us what we are. What's that reminds us of our beginning, of our base. What's the thing that keeps us tethered to home?

It is rather fascinating to imagine something that would give us both. Something that keeps us grounded while giving us the wings to fly.

I thought a lot and I think for me it's two people in my life. 

One is my son. When I look at him, I see a lot of me in him. He reminds me of who I am (which I hardly noticed before him), how I talk, how I behave in certain situations. He reminds me of myself, of my roots. On the other hand, he surprises me with his potential, creativity and endurance. Being with him has made me more inquisitive and I think differently. These give me my wings to soar high, to reach my potential.

The other person is my grandmother. She is my roots. From how to walk, how to be happy in simple things, how to stay connected to family no matter what happens to how to know and be aware of our culture are the roots she has been enriching me with since my birth till now. On the other hand, she also gave me my wings: she introduced me to latest fashion in my teenage years when I had zero fashion sense (I still don't have any sense whatsoever). I remember there was once a discussion during my childhood where a lot of aunties were just bad-mouthing a young girl in the neighborhood and she corrected them saying that the problem is in them that they can't think ahead with time. She pushed me to write more, she provided me resources for guidance to her best capacity. She taught me to fight for yourself and how to stand my ground. So, she gave me my wings too.

It is so important to have your roots and wings together in something or someone. It can do wonders while giving you some great results in life. It can be your treasure for life.

So.. what's or who's your roots and wings?


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