Day 223 (A blog "disclaiming" all claimers ! )

I wish I could write something so stuffed yet so elaborated that could cover universal disclaimers of the world. But alas ! Seems impossible.

What if say I write a blog post on a table. I put a disclaimer before that :
Please note, this blog is not related to anyone who-

  • has used a table before/currently
  • owns a table currently or in past
  • seen a table
  • borrowed a table
  • studied on a table
  • knows what is a table
But still I get a response from one gentleman who would say, I am not related to any of your disclaimer points but I have seen trees. From trees, wood cutter cuts and gets wood. Wood is sold into market. And that wood is used to make furniture including tables as well. Since I have this knowledge... madam, I am offended !

Another instance. I write a blog on my husband (Without a disclaimer as I have only 1 husband ! ) saying he is very nice and try to put his goodness and presence in my life into words. But no one comes to me saying madam, thanks for writing such good things for me as I am also someone's husband. If your husband is so good, I am generalising it for myself and assuming that it is also written for me! 

Ridiculous right? It is ridiculous for this incident because in this blog post I have written my husband's name, put our picture together and then wrote with a heading "For my hubby!". So it is disclaimed as it should be.

But tell me, for the first case, how to collect the pictures, vendors' names, quality of wood, shapes, sizes, colour, warranty and what not of all the tables in the world and then disclaim it?? If I have written that tables are bad...maybe they were bad in my experience or the ones which I have got. It doesn't even mean that all the tables I have bought have been bad. 
Also, maybe I had a discussion with a colleague in office about new tables launched in market.

It can be anything..right?

Then my dear gentleman, how and where did I say that the tree "in your farm from where wood cutter gets wood to sell into market and then tables are made from them" is not worth it?? :-|

PS- Disclaimer:
This post is not for any "gentleman" , any "Tables",  any "hubby", any "Blog",  anyone "ridiculous" or for that matter for any one who can or is relating to any word in a blog. I am expressing a writer's pain. Thank you. 


  1. I liked ur all blogs since the time i joined u...only a sound writer can express his/her pain in such a funny & interesting way... :P :P no doubt u r a good writer and Its pity if smone does POSTMORTEM of ur write-ups ... even smtimes i thought to copy ur blog (say "smtimes i wish i were a boy.." I literally wanted to copy that ) bt fir bhi sochti hun ki yarrr its a BLOg ..not Fb stat so that i cud copy n claim it as if its mine... :P :P LOLll

    1. Yaar copying it won't be a nice thing to do. Make it a win win situation if you really like what I write...share it ! I get publicity, you get appreciation comments :)

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Adding a disclaimer is another way of "generating interest" in what one writes.

    1. However, that ("generating interest") would be the last thing that I would want to happen with this blog :P But still ..generating your interest won't do any harm I believe :)


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