DAY 280 (For a fan-request!)

So my blog stopped running lately because my son did ! He is 1.5 year old toddler now which is unimaginable for me. I started writing my blogs back in 2009 which seems like yesterday to me and this post is from a mom of 1.5 year old !

Anyway, my blog's biggest fan (my husband ofcourse because who else reads it?) did a fan-request lately to write something. So here I am. Half of my mind is invested in my work, the other half is invested to be in alert-mode if my son wakes up. So I really don't have an agenda here. 

Life has been busy. But not busy like maybe it was a year ago. A year ago, I wasn't really happy with the busy-ness. I wasn't healing from the tiredness, from the depression, from the hopelessness and from the trust-less-ness. 

And now, I am happy! Like really happy! Maybe because I have become more efficient in being a mom, a working mom and probably a wife! I have accepted few things and I have adapted a handful stuff. My son is much happier in his daycare than he was till 2-months ago ever since he graduated from infant to junior-toddler. I can feel how excited he is everyday, how he is learning new things and getting more curious everyday. Being the mom of a happy child, I am happier than before. I am more focused at work. I am able to manage my work, dropping and picking my kid, usual household stuff and being with my family. With triple the work I am much happier than before! And that's what it is. It is all psychological.

I hope this continues except the change that I can blog more!

-With promises to write with an agenda next time, Adios!


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