DAY 281 (Take that step...)

I never thought that I am a person who is capable of doing something for a social cause. I imagined myself to be any other person who just sits and discusses common social problems and forget it the next day.

But ever since my post-delivery, I have this strong urge of helping anyone I can who is going through PPD or any other kind of stress/depression during this phase. Once you have been into such a situation, you can never forget how it made you feel and how lucky you are to have come out of it. You would not want anyone else to hit that low in their life. And if there is anything from your experience that can help anyone to come out of it, that can be the best you can do in your life for another human-being.

People often live under this assumption that this is something very rare. Trust me, its as common as the flu except that its not a disease. Its just a mental state. I am no professional but I am a survivor and any survivor would tell you the same.

We as mothers, when our life drastically changes overnight (even after being prepared for it for 9-months) are overwhelmed with everything that's spinning around us. We seem to be failing everywhere unless there is someone who is genuinely and constantly there with you to make you feel otherwise. That lack of support from even a single person from everyone you know makes you feel the way you feel.

Some pointers that I always suggest and they worked for me are:
1) Be hopeful. Have the will power to come out of it before you lose it.
2) Seek support without thinking of consequence.
3) You are not supposed to be alone and if people tell you otherwise , remove them from the list of seeking support.
4) Look at your baby and talk to them or sing to them to lift your spirits.
5) Don't bother too much about balancing this new life, your career, your physical changes. Take one thing at a time.
6) Prioritize your life.
7) Be sorted and be strict about it.
8) Nothing comes before your kid. NOTHING!

I hope people who need it read this and people who know others who need it will float it around. It takes 1 step to help a person by just talking to them and help them live a life they so fully deserve!

Keep loving... keep sharing.


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