Day 287 (Isolation re-defined)

 So this one comes after a really long time. Why?.. I wonder. Maybe I was busy cooking, managing home, office and a rapidly growing toddler or maybe I was busy shifting to our new home which is finally “our” home.

All in all... I was really busy. Funny that when you are all hands and legs tied, you crave for the quiet and free time. Guess what? We are bestowed with this wish all over the country... even those who didn’t wish for it. Maybe that’s why they say “be careful what you wish for”. It’s not really quiet with a toddler in home but still so quiet in my heart inside that I can hear my heart beating (and this is not a cheesy Sharukh Khan dialogue... I really mean it).

Yes... we are still very strict on “no outside food” but it feels that all the passion for cooking and eating has been stolen by someone which took up majority of my time in the first wave of this deadly coronavirus.

IT industry at large understands the impact of this second wave and they are trying making it lenient for the employees wherever possible by not giving new projects or complicated tasks if possible. It’s a nice gesture but for some people like me for whom sometimes it worked as a distraction has also gone to drain.

I try to bring my reading upto speed but I loose my concentration. I try to sit out in balcony but in 5 mins either duty calls or I just get bored of that too.

I don’t feel like calling people or talking to them but I am all in for any help that I can provide from here because people back home are really suffering (almost everyone I know).

My kid keeps asking why can’t we go outside and my husband has successfully taught him that there is a virus outside and it will catch us if we go out. It’s cute and sad at the same time seeing a just-turned-3-year-old learning about virus and being home chained. 

I try to find time to watch tv. Sometimes IPL catches my attention and sometimes I just stare at it thinking maybe for sometime I just don’t have to search what to stare at so let’s keep it on. 

It’s gloomy, it’s sad and it feels like the world is burning and we are just sitting curled up in our cocoon hoping and wishing that the fire extinguishes before it reaches us. 

Would it? Hard to say. 

But one fact is definite that it’s not easy on anyone and each and everyone of us is Corona impacted this time whether we accept it or not.

We can just hope to rise out of it and as one of my closest friend says to me often “take one day at a time”.


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