Day 288 (Let’s be a fit mom!)

 So my kid brings out the best and the undiscovered in me since the 3 years (and 9 months) he has been born! 

He made me a great cook in the first year (which I had no interest in for the past 3 decades of my life).

In the second year, he made me a person who could paint, colour or think of atleast a handful ways of doing something crafty (which no matter how bad it turned out but it was still better than not being able to draw a straight line without a scale!).

This year his goal is to make me a fit mom! Yes you read it right... so I resumed my pre-pregnancy routine of having a run atleast every alternate day and doing some cardio on the other alternate days along with doing the lessons learnt from son the dearest in the past 2 years. Things were going smooth.. I was getting fitter and after each lap of 200meteres, he would be there cheering for me and trying to race with me and give me high-fives along with husband dearest which made me push myself harder. He would be getting his workout done by his favourite sport football down in the track and I would be running around gasping for breath but trying to reach that 3km mark with a respectable pace. Things were going well as I said but then the second wave of coronavirus hit us all and we got back to being locked inside. All 3 of us got lethargic, sad, irritable, tired and what not till one fine day I see my little guy taking quick strides all around the house without saying anything and looking quite focussed. I asked him after a couple of rounds “beta, what are you doing?” And he very innocently replied “run-run kar raha hu.”

So a 3 year old has the spirit of making the best out of what we can do but I who is almost 11 times older to him do not! Meanwhile , a friend from the same apartment who is a fitness freak kept telling me that she manages to do a little workout here and a little there to get herself moving and not out of touch. 

So all this combined got me moving too and as if the universe was conspiring as well because the same day we got a mental and physical fitness session from my workplace telling us how to be fit in this Covid times. So I got to know that we have got a free subscription of this great app called headspace and I downloaded it immediately and just started browsing through. 

So the first day, I start the app and get myself moving with day 1 of a 28-days workout course. The little guy (once again to make sure that I don’t derail) comes around and starts showing me how to do squats! And I dare you to do as good squats as him.. I am still trying to learn how to go all the way down without touching the ground and then come back up like a frog! He pushes my back even if he has to sit on it to make sure I am aligned to the straight line and he keeps telling me “Abhi 8 aayega” (because mostly every set is of 8 reps).

He asks me to rest when the instructor says “rest time”.. he gets under me if I am doing some torso exercise (when I need to stay up)... because he wants to make sure I don’t back down ! 

So all in all... this year and this mother’s day my sunshine has pledged to make me a fit mom and he is a really good coach at that! He might not know how to wish happy mother’s day because all he knows is that when you are wishing someone ..then after “happy” it’s always “birthday” and thus apparently it’s my birthday today ... but he does know how to make it a “happy Mother’s Day” all year along.

All I can do is feel blessed. Oh wait! “All I can do” is not just feel blessed but feel fit too and look forward to more motivational coaching from this young instructor.

To all the mothers out there... hope you learn something from your little human(s) everyday and have a really happy and healthy Mother’s Day! 



  1. This so inspiring and motivating. Being a new mom I am exhausted all the time and the idea of working out and regaining the old strength seems almost impossible. After reading this I am feeling good and looking forward to discovering the better me with my little munchkin. Thank u Supriya for the blog. Lots of Love.

    1. Thank you Tinnu for reading it through and I am so glad that this motivates you at any level. I know that it seems impossible at this stage but trust me with time you won’t even remember these tough times and you will see them flying away. Your munchkin will soon be your trainer and would train you for unimaginable potential.. take care! Stay blessed!

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you so much .. though I don’t know who is this!

  3. <3
    He learnt it from you initially, and vice versa later :) Happy mothers day muahhh!

    1. Happy Mother’s Day to you too girl !! Muuah

  4. Very impressive Supriya , keep it up. Best wishes.

    1. Thank you so much Bharti ! 😊 -Supriya


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