Day 290 (Love as it ages...)

 So today I was watching a YouTube video of a flash mob in Italy who performed for a guy who wanted to propose his girl in a very special way on the iconic Bruno Mars song “Marry me”. It was such a happy and emotional 4 minutes video that it took me back to those butterfly-in-the-stomach days of me and husband-dearest.

My better half being the perfect shy gentleman that he is ..has never been too expressive. And I being the loud, talkative extrovert that I am have always taken the expressions to the highest level possible so much so that it has embarrassed him at many occasions !

Remembering one such xxl-size expression of mine, we were dating at the time and it was his birthday. We went out for a movie in the afternoon and in the attempt of doing something different than the past couple of years, something truly unexpected, here is what I came up with. A few weeks before his birthday, I dug out the multiplex manager’s contact number. And I contacted him to execute my super-special surprise for my “fiancée” (which he wasn’t at that time but that’s how it works in most part of the country still!). The manager .. after a lot of “not possible ma’am” finally agreed at a price and there it was the day of execution! So we went for the movie and I did some drama of “oh I saw my relative there go in, I will catch up with you”. Met the manager, did the payment and went inside. And the movie starts which is pretty interesting (and today I don’t even remember the name of the movie) but my whole concentration is on my grand-plan. Finally it’s interval and better-half (being the gentleman again asked me if I want to eat anything or so) and I am like no.. let’s sit here because I don’t want him to miss “it”! He is puzzled and doesn’t know why am I behaving like this crazy woman who isn’t letting him go use the washroom for that 5 mins interval !! And so when I thought, well ok... it’s flushed and I can’t make him sit anymore and he is walking down the theatre .. suddenly there it is! On the big screen there is a huge happy birthday banner with the birthday song playing and people clapping. In the next 30 seconds, my gentleman went from embarrassed to blushing to thank-you-and-I-love-you-too!

Getting back from this specific story, I can’t help but remember that we have been through all phases of being classmates to acquaintances to lovers to a married couple and now parents. And through all these phases we always knew that we definitely want to grow old together no matter what.

My pregnancy is probably the happiest and the fattest pregnancy of the world , the proof of which is a super-happy and foodie kid running around our house right now!

But with people , love ages too. However, if you aren’t changed much at the heart, love is very flexible. From that loud expression of those days to today when maybe all I can do on his birthday is cook his favourite food and take whole-day kid-duty, things have matured but definitely not lessened.

I believe if you were best friends first before you became romantically involved, the chances of getting matured together increases manifolds. And we have not only been best friends but when needed sometimes behaved like parents, advisors, teachers to each other as well to get ahead in our journey together. 

No matter how much we say that we love our kid(s) and spouse equally but the truth is that the expression of love changes exponentially between kid and spouse and it is very natural and definitely not a bad thing if the other person understands.

After a certain time, the small things do the trick like we might not have been able to talk at all during the whole day and one of us would have gone to sleep but the next morning we will find a cute song or an old-memory song on each other’s phones. We might have got into a stupid disagreement and won’t know how to break the ice so would bake a quick brownie for the other one and everything gets back to as if nothing happened. 

Everyone have their love villains throughout their life. Their is no villain-less love stories. For us , they kept changing. From our families to our long-distance-relationship to maybe now our workplace.. the villains came , stayed and we kept defeating them by nothing but just one weapon- TALKING to each other.

It resolves everything or atleast can never let the ice become the iceberg. Fortunately the foundation of us was talking. First over chats, then over calls, and then living together talking day-in day-out. 

Our hair have greyed, my blogs have gone from the subject of mostly him to mostly our little one now, our time for each other is shift-based depending on our work load and kid’s schedule but we still manage to talk. Even if it’s sometimes over chats like old times.

Been total 10.5 years of being lovers/couple and still we want to grow old together.

So love ages, matures, and sometimes needs reminder and snooze buttons as well but as long as you have the balance, love ages beautifully even with wrinkles !!

By the way if you want the watch the YouTube video of my opening thought, here is the link:

Also here is something beautiful on the ending note that I read today:

My love is like a worker's gloves grown old.
His hands are leather, roughened now with age
and years of work in weather hot and cold,
yet through the many years, he has grown sage. . .

My love is like a builder's pair of boots.
He's dusty and fatigued and still he walks
while trailing mud, but now his attributes
shine through despite life's many stumbling blocks.

My love is like a pair of jeans much worn,
a pair of socks with holes that have stayed warm.
Though time and all the trials he has borne
have left him frayed, he wishes no one harm.

To write a beaming sonnet would not do,
but threadbare love (in some ways) bests the new.


  1. Replies
    1. should have seen Sudhanshu blushing after reading this..that was cuter :D

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