DAY 315 (Self-worth)

 When I wrote the post on retrospection, many people discussed a lot of things with me which made me feel good for two reasons:

1) They read my writing  ๐Ÿ’“

2) The post stirred something inside each of them and I learnt so much from the discussions.

In one of those discussions when we kind of side tracked to the topic of doing things for ourselves, one of my friends said that she has been doing it lately consciously and she feels it is very important for the reminder of our existence. She gave me a specific example that earlier when she used to order anything to eat, she would always think or ask her kids what they want. Even if she doesn't want to eat, she would order the same. But now, she rotates this choice of food. At times, the kids eat what she would want to order and this makes an incredible difference. 

This thought kept ringing in my mind and today I decided to implement it. So, today its me and my son at home alone and I was super hungry at lunch. He was hungry too but not as hungry as me. Usually when I am at home alone with him, I would never eat before him or even if I am super hungry, I would eat while feeding him getting irritated when he throws tantrums in eating. Today I asked him to wait for me first while I finish my lunch. I did my peaceful eating for 10 mins and then I fed him. My patience level was up 50% and my irritation was down by 50%.

Some people would call it selfishness or maybe pass comments like "What kind of a mother you are? Your child is hungry and you are eating selfishly taking your own time." But you know these days as opposed to the famous saying, there is no village to raise the child when it was needed. So no need to listen to the village because you know that your happiness is directly proportional to your child's happiness. Some acts are not selfish but they are important for self-worth. They are important to let you know that you are above a duty, above a designation. They remind you to think about yourself too. 

So I would say, shower yourself with some self-worth now and then and pat yourself for a job well done! ๐Ÿ˜Š


  1. I often eat lunch before my daughter comes from school for the same reason. 3.30 is too late for me to have lunch and being hungry so late makes me cranky. After school she likes to laze around .. watch tv .. play and then only feel like eating… as I am well fed… she gets to do all of that and without me being extra pushy …


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