DAY 146 (Why...How...What...???)

Sometimes, its like I am blank for few days as if what to write and what not... and on the other days, I am overflowing with thoughts. Today is such a day when I have to write a lot of things but I am quite indecisive right now as if which thought should I approve to be scribbled?

I take certain things as self-explanatory. I assume them to be understood because-
1. They are obvious (the whole world can see it then why not a person who knows me so well)
2. I don't have words and paragraphs and speeches for every action of mine.

But, it pisses me off when I realise its far from being obvious and that its getting a totally opposite reaction. Thats when, things which I aspire to do take a backseat. I am not left with much interest to go on with the idea. And life stays stagnant for me once again.

Sometimes, I feel that may be I have learnt too soon. Because the world seems to lag behind somehow. When the stage comes for them, I realise it has been a historical situation to me.
But does it answer everything which goes around? Is it the only reason responsible? Does it make everything fair? Does it heal it all?

If yes...then why I am writing this post....?
Probably because as I said...this is one of the days...when I am just overflowing with words! Phewww...


  1. Yeah!!
    Overflowing is the word I was looking for.
    It happens many a times that while some things become history for us are new and fresh happenings for another one.
    The learning process is always on di..
    Don't just let such thoughts come to u.
    I know things overflow at times, but..




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