DAY 151 (Life's little but most memorable achievements..!)

There are certain things in life which we feel or rather assume that we don't like. We also take the liberty of predicting it for future as well that we are not gonna like any cost! But thats stupid...really!

It used to happen with me that I used to claim over certain "dislikes" and "disinterests" in my personal aspect. I never thought why do I dislike it?
- Maybe because people generally expected me to do it and I don't like behaving as expected
- Maybe because I never tried once to like it as well.
- Maybe because even if I try it...I won't do well.

And when I re-analysed these two reasons, I realised that now its almost impossible to justify myself because these two points are insensible to tag something out of your to-do list!

And today, I started with one of those things- cooking! Yes...I thought that I hated it. I would do it when there is no other option and I had done it as well in those conditions. But I would never be happy to do it! And I thought so because I never even tried to experiment anything when there was not any compulsion or no-other-alternative-situation. And since past few days had given me some logical reasons to atleast enhance my to-do-list, so I gave it a try. And I can't explain in words ...because today I have had the most memorable achievement of my life!

There are times when you achieve a lot of things in your life. But the smallest and especially the never-expected achievements give you happiness at par measure! And thats what I felt today.

Maybe I felt that its something that the society, the elder ones always expect from a girl. Because as they say "aagey jake har ladki ko yahi karna hai". And that was something which irritated me, frustrated me and I took a foolish pledge of proving everyone else wrong. I wanted to tell them that a girl has equal rights not to be so perfect and gharelu. She also has a life and she will live it the way his partner is allowed to do so. And then, it all got bigger and huge and became a part of my stubbornness. I never thought...what if I try to cook not because people want me to cook but because may be I would find some interest. Things can be taken as an experiment rather than a compulsion. Do it only when you want to do it....and as much as you want to do it. But atleast give everything a try..because it'll give you a point to justify all your "disinterests"!

And God knows how proud I feel of myself today! Never had I got more praises than today...and thats not because finally I started cooking...but because I did something from heart and thats why it came out well! :)

PS- The proud experiment was Spring Roll (in a little desi style)! :)


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