DAY 166 (Being ecstatic...!)

Ohh...are you wondering...what has happened to me? Too frequent posts..! Have I lost my job? Did my routine had a re-scheduling?

So the answer is NO. Neither have I lost my job nor has my routine turned to the "idle-state". Its just that when people tell you that they "miss" your writing, you get the zeal back again. Zeal to write and to manage time. Hobbies are something for which everyone takes out time anyhow. And this is much more than just a "hobby" to me. Those who have been reading my posts from Day 1 know that.

So...I decided to Be What I Always Wanted To Be with a little shorter breaks! :-)

And it sounded and feeling real good to me.

I remember a time when I actually used to scribble whatever I felt like. I have this stupid diary (which I recently found out) when I used to write one-liner stupid stuff like.. "What does mummy think? I am stupid? I can't learn that simple equation. I will score the highest in that subject and then show her my report card" !
Gosh it was crazy and guess what...I was hardly 10 years old! :-P

Well time flies by...! But memories don't. I still loved that "Subhadra Kumari Chauhan's" hindi poems book which my father gifted me in class 6th. I still like the craft work which I did in class 7th and got a B grade :-P
I still like to watch the songs like "Lakdi ki kathi"...and after finding out all this... I get to believe that I am still me! :-)

The little pleasures of life...the little assets. When you realise that they are still right by your side in your heart... it all this makes you ecstatic! :-)


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