DAY 189 (Venting out!!)

Sometimes you have so much inside you that it gets too hard to stuff it inside. Now PLEASE do not tell me to "vent it out"! Coz trust me if thats how it cud have worked, this blog-post wouldn't have existed.

Why does a problem has to be "defined" everytime for it to get solved?
Why cannot someone keep their pseudo-smartness and socialism inside themselves and not brag in front of people who don't give a damn to it?
Why is it that show-off is never out-seasoned?
And most importantly...why does it all have to be in my baggage?

I am someone who is very frank in displaying my likes and dislikes equally. But I do not know why people are always interested in discussing the least-interested things with me?
I should manage probably. But why? And till when?

Keep your "special" things to yourself buddy and let me keep mine. And certainly do not ask me the "whys" and "whats".

The irritation gets unbearable when you even start getting questioned on your so-called "venting out" for eg- this blog-post.

This is my arena. My space. Why do YOU need an explanation man? Let it be. Let it go. Let me be myself. And for God's sake draw your own arena. Keep it simple and well-adjusted. Is it that hard to go for??!! 


  1. hahhah .. i know the audience again ..its very very simple to understand who u r askin to "keep their pseudo-smartness and socialism inside themselves and not brag in front of people who don't give a damn to it?" ..
    the irony is u do give then damn enuf ... to share ur this personnel space !! :D :D


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