Day 291 (To the old ones and the new!)

So I have been very lucky when it came to finding perfect friends at the perfect time in life. They all are very special and hold a special place for different reasons in my life.

From having the oldest one with more than 3 decades of friendship to the dearest friend with whom I share more than 2 decades of friendship to the recent one which is just a 4-week old friendship, each of them have helped me being where I am today and this is no less than a blessing.

I have always believed in these relations being much stronger or natural than the blood relations we carry by our biological reasonings. This is a family which might not share the same surnames or sibling parents but will be there for you at 3 am as well if you need them with no strings attached.

So I have friends with whom I can share my darkest days, secrets, phases. Friends who make workplace such a brighter and comfy place to go to (physical or virtual). Friends with whom you can spend the night talking, drinking, dancing, sharing all the fun and cheesy stories. Friends who are far, less reachable but whenever we talk, we start from where we left and there is never a gap. Friends with whom I live ...husband dearest and the most active friend... son the dearest ! 

Just when I thought I am blessed for next few births too (if I have any or if there is any), I found this twin-natured friend just out of the blue knocking in my life. There is a limit of being similar too! But I am amazed to find the similarities everyday. Non-stop talker, story-teller, a listener too when needed, too blunt, too sensitive (I think... yet to confirm this one!) and too many similar life incidents that sometimes it’s unbelievable! I get on a call with her and 2 hours passes by like 10 mins maybe! The last time that happened was eons ago if I want to trace back. After being a mom I never have the energy to talk for so long continuously to anyone but this friend brought back that spirit and craziness of just blabbering. We can talk endlessly but it can never be enough or complete. Unfortunately, this is another long-distance friendship with a feeble chance of ever meeting or meeting enough to talk face to face ever. Atleast with other friends, I have spent a part of my life physically for a certain period of time. But on the other hand it might also be that this one is too good a blessing to be accessible as well! Well as long as the connection stays, does it matter whether we meet or for how long? I forgot to mention and it might be irrelevant too but she is much muchhhh younger than me and yet to see a lot of major phases of life unlike me.. so there goes a dissimilarity. So I don’t know where life takes her (unlike me who knows where I am and where I am gonna be mostly). So if there is a miracle probably we will end up meeting up often in future and if not, god bless the mother technology! :)

Here is to all the old ones and the new who make life much more beautiful everyday and give me something to look forward to, to share with and to experience and learn everyday. I love you all from the bottom of my heart and whether I say it enough or not, there is nothing better than the bunch of you I could ask for! 

You can always count on me in the exact words as this song :)


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