Day 293 (Father’s day)

So today is Father’s Day and the father-son duo spent the whole day together playing like both are 3-year olds. I did my part by cooking on demand for both the boys and overall the day was good. 

I do not exaggerate when I say that my husband is the best father I have seen in my life. He teaches our son the biggest lessons of life so subtly and so calmly that it’s nothing less than a miracle most of the time. Ayaansh has overcome his most fears, learnt to let things/people go in the healthiest way possible and brings out his artistic side .. all thanks to his father’s efforts. He is the strict parent among the two (yeah it is a surprise for me too!) but he is still Ayaansh’s best friend. They love reading together, they love hugging each other while sleeping, they love playing football together and they have this strange silent talking which Ayaansh never does with me. With me, he is a chatter box, whether I am idle with him, working, cooking, watching tv, reading.. whatsoever. But with his dad, he is this grown up who usually knows when to shush during a meeting, when to talk to himself, when to push papa to fulfill his tantrum and when to be the good boy. 

So they are a magic duo and I get amazed looking at both of them growing together in life amazingly everyday. 

However, this brings me to another story which might start on a sad note but my intention is for the people out there to appreciate the little things and joys of life. 

This year on Ayaansh’s birthday (in April) we decided that we will donate his old clothes and toys to an orphanage. In order to find the right orphanage having the right aged children we enquired at a couple of places. However, due to the second wave of Covid, it didn’t come into action and we decided to postpone it for a couple of months. 

Last week, from one of those enquired orphanages, we got a message saying that they don’t have money to give food to the children and if we could help with anything. This was too shocking to read and really emotional as well. We asked how many kids they have and got to know they are 26. It wasn’t possible to cook for 26 at home (though i really wanted to) and it’s not safe to order from outside given the situation so we decided to give a small monetary help that we could. We told them that this is what we can contribute and they were so overwhelmed hearing this. Usually when people reach out for such reasons, we have had incidents when they are not genuine and when we try to help they reject the help saying they need more. However, this orphanage just kept thanking many times. And it was so overwhelming. We told a friend a about it and she also went ahead and donated what she could. The person who reached out to us was so particular about giving us a receipt and without it he won’t accept any money and just kept on thanking. We told him that we just hope kids eat well and we did what we could. 

We didn’t expect anything after this but after an hour we got videos of the kids eating and saying thank you to us. This was a feeling that we never felt till now in our life. Something like a forever bond to those kids and that place.

We waste so much food or we think that this money is a small amount but even the smallest of contribution can fill some stomachs and bring smile to those little ones.

The little blessings from having those few bites of food to having your parents in your life are so underrated. 

This Father’s Day they might not have someone from their family to wish the same but if we contribute the little that we can maybe they would go ahead in life and make their fathers proud wherever they are.

No one can replace that emptiness but we can try not to make them feel alone and be their family in whatever small or big way we can. 

With this thought, hoping all fathers are sending their blessings and love to their kids today from this life or beyond and all children send their gratitude to the blessing of fatherhood !

Wishing all the dads out there a very happy Father’s Day!


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