Day 292 (Miscompares!)

 Ever since I was a child with a little understanding of the world and surroundings I have been a big advocate of never comparing children. We have all been victims of it somewhere sometime and we all know how it feels. Even before I was a parent, I have written blogs on this and still when I think world has changed, people have evolved, I see it all around me. 

Infact I think it’s even worse now. I remember my 1.3 year old son compared with his 11 months cousin who started walking sooner! From there to now that he is 3 years (and still a baby), these kids have to fight this fight everyday. Is there a better child? There are just children.. unique and different in their own ways. But how difficult is it to understand for the most! 

On one hand I get the expressions of “oh my god, why is your 2 year old attending online class!!” On the other hand, I get questions like “that kid responses to every question, why doesn’t your kid?”

Does it matter? 

So what instigated this blog? Well... we were blessed with an amazing teacher from Ayaansh’s age cycle of 2-3 years. She groomed him, made him so vocal, explored his personality and worked around some magic that today he is a non-stop talker, almost free of stage-fear and loves to showcase his talents! That’s what teachers are supposed to do! They are not supposed to make you a different person who is “right” for the world. They are supposed to make you the best of you. Thankfully I was also blessed with such teachers throughout my life and that’s why I am a version of myself and not what the world wants me to be.

But now that Ayaansh has moved to next level, there is a new teacher with new ideologies (which I think are common ideologies; we just got lucky last time). A week into the classes and she thinks that Ayaansh should behave like some other child in his class and needs a lot of improvement. Improvement in what? She doesn’t know. But she thinks he needs special attention which is an unnecessary exaggeration. When Ayaansh was with his raw skills and personality (for the last year) he never needed extra attention and still he is where he is today but apparently he is not “right” for today’s expectations.

Does this incident deserve a blog? No. 

Then why did I write it? Because it’s a refresher for all the parents again to not get impacted or stress your child for such meaningless feedbacks. Every child has their own talent and if we try to tell them what’s right for today and what’s not they will be forever discouraged. There is nothing more scarring than a discouraged or a not-appreciated child. 

You and I didn’t do any wonders in childhood and still living a decent life, so would yours. Have faith. Encourage. Teach but learn as well. One who just teaches is a preacher and just preachers can’t be good teachers as per my experience. 

As per my child, I hope he gets a better learning curve and support in future and he becomes the best version of himself and that would make me the proudest than any other moulded version of him!


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