Day 294 (The addiction to people!)

I used to be very proud of not being addicted to anything in my life. If I am spending time on tv which can become an addiction, I would immediately shut it off without being much affected, if I am getting to be a workaholic, I would immediately get back to other priorities in life and stuff like that. If I keep scrolling social media for no reason, I retire from all those apps in a snap. 

And that’s the reason I prefer even the hobbies which are self dependent. I mean if I like sports, I prefer going for a run rather than something which needs another person. I like reading, writing which is a big time solo. 

But lately, I realised that I have an addiction of being addicted to people which is probably since the time I was big enough to be social. And apparently that’s a real thing! There have always been people in my life in every phase whom I am addicted to talking to, chatting up, sharing things etc. Obviously not everyone is not so fond of such things and over the time the decline in reciprocation becomes heart breaking when I realise that this was supposed to be a limited run. I don’t know yet how to get over this addiction, even google doesn’t help! but distracting myself when I have the urge of chatting up might help me get over it. 

It is so much better to have an occasional relationship with happy memories rather than a waiting-for-the-response relationship. And I have so many close friends in occasional catch-up zones whom I love dearly from the bottom of my heart. 

While I try to distract myself and get over this addiction, more power to the will-powered ones! 


  1. hahaa. its not called addiction. Its called being human :) :)
    Also, love you toooo umaahhhh!!


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