DAY 135 (Apology note..)

Starting off with a note of apology,I would like to apologise for my last post as it was one of the weakest moments in my life when I became over-impulsive and as usual not-so-good-at-handling-things. I am not deleting it because people should know my blunders as well.

Now moving on,I would give you a brief one-liner for my birthday which was last Sunday i.e. 12th September- "It was amazing!" It was all unexpected and out of the blue and I thank everyone who made it that special for me !

It happens many a times that if we have to choose between cribbing and appreciating, we always choose the former one. Why? Because thats the easiest way out. It requires lesser efforts and results in greater satisfaction. But thats something really weak on our part.

Someone told me "if you love someone and that you really do....then all you would remember about him/her would just be the bestest moments you have ever had together." So thats how it should be taken. Make it easy for yourself. Don't try a lot. Just go... with the flow. (Hey..that rhymes :) ! ). There never has to be a reason to smile. Similarly,crying without reason is also equally forgivable. 

Things are much better than they seem to be. Just wait for the realisation.


  1. Thank God you are all right.
    Didn't knew what was wrong with you..:P
    Somethings are best when they are self realized.

    BTW who told you these lines?



  2. Wish you belated Happy B'day! May you have innumerable such lovely n wonderful moments the whole year ahead.

  3. You look quite cheerful baby.. I havent read your previous post. Originally, out of curiosity, I would have gone back and read it but you know what, I am gonna skip it. Its better to read a positive post.

    Stay cheerful sweety...

    I saw your pics on facebook. You jolly well had a wonderful time.. God Bless.. :)

  4. @nipun...give it a guess..and i am sure you'll hit the right was Akansha..!! :)

  5. @sh@s....thank you so much for your wishes :)

  6. @chanz...thanks chanz..and its a wise decision :)


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