DAY 1 (20th december,2009)

Finally I found a way to meet myself. And to the readers (which i am sure i am gonna have gradually)...this is me!
I always wanted myself to be a writer...a poetess...a fighter with her pen being her mightiest sword. But till now couldn't be any of it.
I know..I am not dead and neither is life finished. I am just 23.
And there is still lot more to do. Life starts where you want it to start. And for me this is starting. Writing in any way,on any level gives me just so much of pleasure that after this I can't ask anything more to possess.
I would love to share whatever I have in me. And I hope I will be definitely what I always wanted to be!!


  1. welcome sweetheart and heartiest congratulations. :)

  2. Life begins again every minute. Therefore, We must seize the moment without God's LIFE! ~ Cornelius,:)
    Viaţa reîncepe în fiecare CLIPĂ. De aceea, NU trebuie să ratăm VIAŢA prin Clipe fără de Dumnezeu ! ~ Cornelius, :)
    Resume life in every moment. Therefore, We must seize the moment without God's LIFE! ~ Cornelius,:)
    PS: ... Iertare. Nu vorbesc engleză. (Folosesc Motor). Clipele VIAŢĂ, doar împreună cu Dumnezeu. SLAVĂ ! ...
    Forgiveness. Do not speak English. (Use the engine). LIFE moments, only with God. GLORY!

    Tinerii sunt ŞANSA VIEŢII !
    Young people are the chance of a lifetime!

  3. @DoarATAT..thanks for supporting me :)

  4. @Supriya : You are mind blowing. Good work. All the best :)


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