DAY 3(22nd December,2009)

I was just thinking what would I like to do to reward myself..just to make myself feel enchanted.
And the instantaneous reaction was..."Give myself some time!"
It might sound strange for it being the once in a lifetime award but trust me it deserves to be entitled the same.
Sitting in my balcony with a toast in one hand and a large mug of coffee engraved with my favourite quote "HARDWORK NEVER KILLED ANYONE BUT....WHY TAKE A CHANCE!"...I was giving myself a sun bath in the warm daylight of winters. After a long long time,there was no laptop around... no mp4 sticked into my ears and no phone ringing in my pocket. There was only silence with some plants in different sized pots around me. Some spider webs were grabbing my attention as they shone with the sunlight every now and then. And since this was the once in a decade time when I had a chance to choose what to think...I was real confused amongst the angels and the demons. Anger-happiness,frustration-excitement and past-future all were running in my head in the same series of pairs. Choosing what to think about is also a difficult challenge!
Giving up after an hour..I decided to call my best friend akansha to share the anger as usual which was seeding inside me since yesterday. But today...I had to be my own army! By some coincidence...she could not come to phone at that time.
Giving it another try,I suddenly found out that till date I had so much to wonder about that today a heap is ready for me. Its just that I have to convert it into bars of different colours and spread it out like a rainbow now.
And I did the same. Decisions with no opinions but still affirmative,excitement with no boundaries and still energetic and imagination with no reality check was what I had in hand now.
I really didn't care if any of it made sense but I was just happy to do it. True...I got my reward today!
It happens so many times that we don't realize our own needs...our own likings and dislikings and we act like puppets of our surroundings. Trust me....give yourself sometime someday and you will have the biggest trophy in your hand the next moment.


  1. b'fulllllllllll.........luvya.........sooooooo much u...........evry lyn says itz u!!!!!!!!

  2. its definately..rite to say and i got each and every aspect of the saying...goood luck

  3. @abhay....thanks abhay..that was really kind of u to go back to the initial scribbles of my blog-journey and drop in your valuable comment. I really appreciate it...!


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