DAY 43 (Holding back your tongue...!!!)
I know its not a big deal for guys...they are the brand ambassadors of this..but holding ourselves (the girls..) from being abusive..when you really want to... is a total breath-taking job! And when it is about an Indian plus ethical (ahem..ahem..) girl...then its like climbing the Mount Everest. And this is a regular scenario with me..especially since I have been in hostel...from past 4 years..!! God knows how did I cool down my red face without THOSE WORDS crossing my mind even once before all those years??? And now its like on the tip of the tongue in the form of an arithmetic progression series (mathematics was fun..!!) soon as temperature in my body's CPU rises !! And the icing on the cake is my sophisticated bundle of useless friends...who can't even stand the first link of the that I can just be partially iced..!!! Gosh .....thats soooo hard to can't even imagine!! Sometimes I wish that at those particular moments I could be a gu...