DAY 24 (Another outstanding opinion...!!!)

Its a sunny day after a hell long time...and so I utilized the opportunity by washing my hair and taking a sun bath while blogging. Kids are screaming their lives out in the park in front of my balcony and all the housewives are in their balconies accompanying me....although thats a different case that its of no use for me...but still....

The bad thing is that my youngest sis is very sick today and she had to miss her exam too. And thats really sad. Illness is so depressing in itself that anything more added to the flavour makes it worse than the worst. And I really feel sorry for her. I know what disgusting feeling she must be going through!

Anyway....apart from this I talked for like record-breaking duration on phone yesterday ...
It was really a historical balance degradation in my mobile...really!!! The longest one was for 1.5 hours with my college junior cum friend ....

Others were for half an hour or so....

I really wonder sometimes how do people manage to talk for like unending hours...all night kind of durations on phone. Don't they feel sick???....mentally ill...??? or....on the verge of nervous breakdown...??? I really felt that way yesterday. I have seen so many people (especially those who claim to be in "LOVE") talking for like unending hours and still going on and on...
What could they talk...I still wonder! From the information of shitting to eating to attending college to meeting people to the gossips to what...???? What else can happen every single day that could be prolonged for such long tiring talk? And still I find atleast one among the couple who complains of receiving lesser attention from the other one.

Funnier are those creatures who are not in love or crush or interest or anything else of that sort and are just "GOOD FRIENDS" ...but still they can talk like for days in one go ....just to be so transparent in their FRIENDSHIP!!! If thats the rule...then I am totally OPAQUE to my friends in that respect. Or may be transparency calls for a different definition for my kind of people....and THANK GOD  for it...!!!

To be logical phone networks are in the most profitable business today....and so popular and competitive too....
And thats why I found this recently received SMS so true in logical terms----

Thats the criteria....and thats the trend...really! But for me it will always be sickening and head spinning...
And thats another of mine OUTSTANDING OPINION... :D


  1. Am sorry to hear that your sis is not well. Hope she feels better soon.XO

  2. thanks brenda...i'l wish her the same from ur side...!!!

  3. wooo... i didnt expect many girls to have dis mentality... am vry happy to find one, must say... :) it too has always made me wonder as what people can talk about for such a long time... i have often asked them to, u know, sort of list out topics for me on which he they talked the last night.. :D n all of them always come up wid the same answer, 'jab tera time aayega to khud b khud samajh jayega'... gues am still waiting for my time to come... :)
    PS: ms everyday blogger, tera time aaya hai ki nahi ab tak? :P

  4. lol...!!! nahi aaya hai...tabhi to i wonder....!!! but i believe...even if someday that time comes...even then i won't be comfortable with this criteria....i am actually damn sure...!!

  5. time will put that to test... my sincere hopes that u pass with flying colors... :)

  6. thanku....but I am pretty confident....!!!

  7. lols .. the mobile phone entwining sure is no-no for me too ... one of the reasons my ex found me strange .. i would just go , ya see u in an hr,bye baby and hang up .. and he would be like really thats all ?? he he

  8. lol....high five for that... bee....!!!


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