DAY 16 (Dare to own some common sense..!!)

God knows whether this is sensible of me to discuss this crap here...but still I am gonna take the risk. I know many people would disagree but you know everyone owes a opinion!

Well...chatting on internet...a great and cost effective way to maintain doubt! But, when I get to know some unbelievable extensions to it...I just get amazed! People claim to have met their soulmates or lifepartners or that special someone...whatever u might wanna call it....on chatting..!! Oh common...are you really serious?

The guy that side says that he is 27 years,handsome,well settled,single man who is just gaga over you..and you really do believe that? What if he is just one of those 15 years horny out there? Get realistic...common!

You share a couple of words and that makes you meet him for dinner or have a small 3-4 hours talk on your personal number? Great..!!!

Well...whatever might have been your reason to justify....none of those can be satisfying enough for me for sure! God has really blessed me with some common sense and I am not in any mood to disgrace it.

Go ahead....risk it if you want to. Thats your life ..what can I say? But one thing I definitely want to comment is..."YOU ARE SICK!" Even sicker than the one on the other side of the monitor of your computer. And now don't dare give me those statistics of google suggesting how many of those relationships did work out well...because as I said..its not gonna work on me!

It was rightly said..."COMMON SENSE IS NOT SO COMMON!" God bless your poor soul!

PS- Watched "love happens" today! Great movie with great optimism....Do watch out


  1. You have a logic here.That's all I can say but it's also a fact that millions of people are trying to find everything on this virtual world, including love.Sad but true!
    P.S. Love Actually is actually my all time fav movie, watched almost 19 times.Which moment did u like most in da movie?

  2. hey neetu ma'am...thanks for being a follower first of all...!
    and then abt the movie...i love jennifer aniston as im a great fan of the tv show "friends"..
    there were quite good moments in the the one where aaron aka ryan releases the parrot...
    the game of words...played between jennifer and aaron...
    and my personal bestest of all is when she arranges that crane for the was a muaaaaaaaaaaah moment..!! :)

  3. Dear, which movie did you watch?Are you sure, it was Love Actually?I saw it 19 times.Gosh!How come I miss Jennifer Ainston??

  4. ohhhhhhh...gosh..!! its love happens..!! and love actually also ive watched a few months ago...the one with some short love stories right? really sorry..wrote the wrong mistake..!! the one im talking about is love happens with jennifer aniston...
    and love actually....has hugh grant and many more actors...
    i loved the one eith hugh grant..and a bit of that extra marital affair that old man..!!

  5. What a sigh of relief, Supriya!!Otherwise being such a big fan of da movie, I was thinking I have no right to live.But thanks, you saved my life!!
    P.S.: Do I seem pretty old to you?

  6. ha ha...that was really a silly mistake of mine..and im really really sorry for that..
    and about your do not seem old..but as per your profile you are a bit elder to me ...both agewise and professionally...
    I am sorry if it wasnt call you ma'am..! :(
    how about neetu? would dat b gud? :)

  7. Hey, just chillax!Just tried 2 pull your legs & make u feel taller.As far as my age is concerned, see it from a different perspective (27 years YOUNG vs 27 years OLD)and you'll find me as young & as cheerful as you are :)) Now v both arrive at da same age.Let's shake hands!!


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