DAY 36 (Do I really have a choice..??)

I hope some psychiatrist reads this post and give me some clue about the puzzle. To start with it...let me check if you know that I am a total "JUST DOING NOTHING" persona from the past 8 months. Why? Because I completed my engineering in June last year and since then I am waiting for my joining from TCS or Wipro. 
Why have I not done anything else?? Ummmm...Thats a different issue and long story so keep that thing aside.

So,apart from cursing recession and begging for work,all I have done all those days was to find something time-taking or involving to do. But alas...still left empty-handed!!! Rare were those days....if I got lucky. And then the lapse to celebrate the next fortune needed so much patience. 

But then...a few days ago something caught my notice. My best friend Akansha asked me to do something for her that actually was a part of my writing hobby but just on a professional level. I just tried and postpone as much as I could. Actually I very conveniently forgot about "THE RAREST OPPORTUNITY" as well.

And then yesterday....being scolded by her...I promised to get it done by the end of the day but you know what...I am still not done!

My point of human psychology here is that....despite being a beggar for work ... desperate to have something to do... I still manage and then afford to have choices!!! And that makes me so puzzled. It happens so many times. We claim of just getting something or rather anything in a category and then we sub-categorise it. Is it fair?

Well...tell me if you have something to say....
By then....I really have to get done with the assigned task...otherwise you know na..."I'LL BE DEAD!!!"


  1. Hmm.human behavior is cyclical.we keep on repeating what we do and yeah what we feel comfortable doing..even that means sitting idle and watching T.V
    I think its time you become proactive and start doing things different from daily routine.that way..the days feel had done something with a new energy.
    keep that momentum going.

    Getting into corporates is one thing..till that time..dom something.may would find the 'rarest of opportunity' in these idle times and that culd change your life for ever!

  2. thanks...m really gonna work on that suggestion!

  3. WOW!
    Nice work I must say.
    Its the thing called choice that separates us from other species. We can chose between right and wrong by our own perceptions. Thats wat makes us humans...:)
    Don't miss those RARE OPPORTUNITIES.
    I know some seniors who were placed with TCS and they are just doing nothing. Atleast you have kept the momentum and You are going good.
    And after all we always have a CHOICE. This applies to me also...:)
    A good question asked and a bad answer given by me.
    *sob sob*
    Wish i had a choice..



    p.s. You can pass on the work to me also if its about getting paid...:P

  4. it was not that was as confusing as i was.
    and y wud i give u the perk of the work..huh??..after all that would the "RAREST OPPORTUNITY"

  5. When you are young and going Supriya.. Choices may not mean much. But from where I am standing.. I know I have made good choices and I have made bad choices... The good choices have at times gone wrong and bad choices have brought good results. So actually the bad choices were not totally bad and the good choices were not totally good. If you are not yet confuzzled (confused and puzzled at the same time) then you are great!

  6. lol...u tried hard to confuse me but i managed to find a way out
    PS- thanks for following me.

  7. wat sorcy says makes perfect sense.. try that..

    there can be load of reasons for you unconsciously pushing the assignment away.. the info provided wud not be enough for detailed analysis...

  8. yup..ok ....will surely give it a second thought.


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