DAY 45 (What do you have to say..??)

A minute before this post I didn't have any idea what to talk about here today...but thanks to my ANALYSIS FRIEND (if you guys remember him from one of my previous post) that I need your review on something. As always we were debating on a topic today...and this time it got a little more sensitive... (yes...sensitive!!)

You all must have watched this movie called JANE TU YA JANE NA..right? I wanna know how realistic did you find it? I mean..the talking photograph....the strike in the city...and Imran horse-riding all the way to airport and bla bla bla. And above all...the SOLO EXPRESSION ACTING of Imran Khan and Genelia D'souza!!! I found the actors playing the role of the friends...more realistic!!

But my friend thinks exactly opposite of all of this. Now for comparing it he gave me the example of an old comedy TV soap HUM PAANCH (actress Vidya Balan was also in the show...if you remember..) where the first wife speaks from the photograph. Now thats a pole apart comparison..!! Not because here the speaker from the photograph is a lady (thats what he thought is the point of my "pole apart"..) but because it was a comedy serial with itself emphasizing that its all not realistic and above that..the wonderful actors of the soap made it a huge hit with entertainment..!!!

I know..I know Jane also a huge hit...but I just don't know why...???...WHY..?????

I mean when a movie like this.. is a huge hit and another movie called LUCK BY CHANCE just does not manage to do an average business even...then what can I say? (And has nothing to do with Konkona...and my sensitivity towards her..!!)

Agggghhh...I guess..I am happy being set aside from the crowd!!


  1. Movie review with a difference..or i say analytics...good good

  2. @sorcerer...but i am missing your view in the comment..!!

  3. I keep my brain locked in a cupboard and then watch bollywood movies... I can never watch them with any kind of thoughts invading my mind. It will do you good if you just watch the bollywood movies without your brains.
    The movie which recently impressed me has been TZP.. specially the Khayal Rakna scene.

  4. @farila...yeah taare zameen truely another excellent work of amir khan....and the scene you have mentioned was put so simply yet so strong..!!


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