DAY 65 (The bitches and their bitchiness...!!)

We all become bitchy at some point or another. We name it as gossiping...discussing....or simply talking...but get real..!! It is bitching...!!

I never say...that I have been ideal ! No one is perfect...and the ideal thing does not exist. What makes you different or exceptional is whether you face it or not. I can and I do. And that saves me by the edge to be a bitch! I have done mistakes...blunders...may be sins..! But I have that stamina to face admit it.

But I have seen people...who bitch around and then turn their backs. When being asked...they bring to notice others' faults and corner themselves. And there... they become the bitch..! If you don't have the guts to admit what you did....then you can't really claim to have the right to point the other person as well. Who are you? The supreme authority...sent by decide who is the angel and who is the devil? I am sorry...thats a myth. And you are living a myth.

Gossiping is fine...infact good at times. But when its between just a bunch of friends its called gossip...but when its being sold like a becomes a rumor. You enjoyed it by telling and proving that how clean you are and how dirty the person featured in the pamphlet is..! But you least realize that it gives a plus one to your sins as well.

Such bitches always claim that people should restrict their boundaries to their own lives but thats their opinion when rumors are spread about them. And when its their time to spread the air...they grab the first chance without thinking twice.

Thats their source of entertainment I guess...! I just bless those who are entertaining them.!!


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  8. If there is no bitching then where would those wonderful puppies called rumors come from ?


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