DAY 46 (Step up...!!!)

Many a times,we claim to have moved on....but actually we haven't. We are stuck at the same point with the same situations with just time ticking like a racing horse. You are right when you say that you are not gonna look back ever because you have never stepped ahead !!!

But I believe everyone needs a second live start over. Blaming the other person to have been holding you in all these times is just a lame excuse. You held back because you didn't want to lose his hand. And thats no good for you.

Accept the reality...thats the only way to be realistic. Hurting yourself will give others just another matter how concerned they claim to be. Respect yourself...keep your head high. Then only are you gonna get the salutes.

Step one for moving erasing the past. And here differentiating between the good and the bad times is just worthless. You will be fooling yourself that ways.

Every attempt is not gonna be know that. So,then don't miss any chance to re-attempt.

Get yourself together...and step-up. If not anyone else..then atleast HE is with you.


  1. are you some kind of a mind reader or something..

    You have no idea how much you have helped me by writing this post. This came just at the right time..

    and the best thing that i like in this post is "Step one for moving erasing the past. And here differentiating between the good and the bad times is just worthless. You will be fooling yourself that ways."

  2. @chanz..i am really glad that it could somehow help you! that really makes me feel so good.

    love it when you express it in few simple sentences.

    simply brilliant!

  4. @sorcerer...thank you so much..!!

  5. You can come out of great pits only if you keep trying.. I recently blogged about one of my very fav stories
    Mature thoughts there Supriya. I hope you will be able to do the right things when time asks to make choices.

  6. @farila..ohh thank you farila ..the story is really amazing..!!

  7. that was a really nice writeup. i really liked it...
    everyone needs a second chance...
    but, what if even after trying hard to move on, your past comes in front and stand against you???

    check out my blog here...

  8. @gautam..thanks for the appreciation...


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