DAY 55 (I hate Valentine's day..!!)

Guys...its such a bad weather here! The weather manager up there is confused whether to bid farewell to the winters or not. And thats why I couldn't go to buy the GIFT (the novel) either. I am so glad that I finally got some reviews from you guys. But,being told by Akansha that I have missed being a girl by not reading any romantic fantacy of MILLS AND BOONS,I think I have put my foot down to it eventually. Now,lets see...nobody knows what I'll buy finally. 

The thing is...that this stupid V-DAY is round the corner and I am really sick and tired of it. The whole week has been so f***ing devastating for me because almost everyone around me is engaged and have someone to celebrate with... this stupid series of love. And I am damn single..!!! Why the hell is there not any week for the singles to celebrate so that people like us can make those committed fools jealous??? 

All I see these days on gtalk, facebook or orkut are status like LOVE IS IN THE AIR and bla bla blaaa...! What the hell? Where is that air? Am I some alien from a world outside who can survive without breathing? Or is it just that my air contains some oxygen, carbon dioxide and mixed gases and pollutants? If its so please tell me the address where this air flows. I wanna have a sip of it too.

Ohhhh...this is so depressing. Where do I hide? From newspapers to television to internet to everywhere... this world is going RED! And irrespective of it being my favourite colour ... I am getting highly irritated.

I guess...we singles should gather up altogether and create a SENA  of our own (like SHIV SENA or something minus violence) and name it as SINGLE-READY-TO-MINGLE SENA or something like that and invent something much more happening than this. And then enjoy people craving to break-up to join our bunch. Wouldn't it be cool? What say?


  1. make a sena jaldi se..
    I m out of it...:)
    Njoy wid ur sena.



    p.s. Happy valentine's day..

  2. is one more rival...! INQALAB ZINDABAD..!

  3. My husband does not like celebrations like Valentines day so there has been not much celebration of it in my life.. Sigh! I don't mind it either ;)
    This year there has been lots of protests from groups in our state (Karnataka) ..
    I am staying neutral on this subject.

  4. @farila..hmmm...quite justified..!!

  5. i totally agree wid ya...

  6. @anonymous....even if you pls read my post after this..

  7. i want to enter into ur sena :) want the invitation

  8. @lincoln...gates open for all entries..!! are!!


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