DAY 69 (Ohh...I am finally addicted..!)

A few days ago when I and Akansha were talking on phone...I just said... its been 8 years to our friendship. She corrected me and said "9 years sweetie...9 years..!!" Yeah true! 9 years!

And then I realized how static my life has become. Everything so steady and firm at its place. Not a sign of an air blow even. And thats what happens. Whatever your state of mind take it by default that the world is following you in the same flavor. But thats not true. Everything keeps on going....even your own life which you always presume to be static.

And then I also realized that this might be a reason for my regular blogging too. Just to assure myself that things are still is still rotating !

People tell me that once I join to will be impossible to be a regular blogger. But time will tell. Blogging is something which has been the best friend in these hard is something which has given a perfect vent to my thoughts and feeling... whenever I wanted. And I am sure I would need my best friend then too.

Some addictions are good for health...and one of them is this...and in my case the only addiction that ever existed in my life. And so...I proudly now declare myself to be BLOGAHOLIC..!!! Cheers..!! :)


  1. Good to have you on blog and hope when you become the busy working woman you will not desert blogging...

  2. @farida...even i hope the same..!

  3. Hi, My name is Ruhi and I'm a blogaholic.

    Erm.. Ain't this a blogaholic anonymous meet? ;)

    Much admiration. Enjoyed reading here :)

  4. ha ha!! even i was addicted to blogging once..but due to certain personal reasons i deleted my blog where i was much more active...
    anyways from last 1 month m enjoying the second innings of blogging ;)

  5. @republicOfChic...hey ruhi...its always nice to meet like-minded people..!! hope to see you more..!

  6. @abhi...well..welcome back then..!


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