DAY 92 (Enid Blyton..)

Well..I saw this biographical movie yesterday on ENID BLYTON (the famous author of many children classics) named ENID. You have to refer to her biography I guess to connect to this post....because I really want to put up some personal opinions here by narrating the story in my own words.

This lady....was a real hypocrite according to me. I don't know why...but I just could not justify her acts of shame. It was early in her childhood when her father left the home for another woman and she just being attached to him....chose to leave her mother and young little brothers on their own too as soon as she got into teenage. Her mother didn't really know what was her fault and so did her brothers and thus they tried to make her stay but all in vain.

When she took life on her own...her mother had passed away. She started writing and became a famous author as her fantacies and writings mapped the children's mind so appropriately. Every child wished if she was her mother. Many little angels wrote letters to her and she had a huge fan following. She married a soldier in the very starting of her career who supported her for whatever she did. He was a true gentleman and a best friend. What more could she want? She had two daughters from him and ideally it was supposed to be the most perfect family ever.

But contradictory to this....she was a real witch to her children. No she never hit them or anything....but she just behaved as if they never exist. Her children were just a piece of object lying in the house. She made this new girlfriend Dorothy...who was a real friend as well. But being a witch...she kicked away all the blessings of her life. She left her husband and ditched her best friend for a new man. She separated the two little girls even by sending one of them to boarding. Already the girls were devastated as the only person who loved them in the whole wide world was their father...who has been sent away by their mother.

And then after 30 years a day came when her brother came to visit her to tell the news that their mother had passed away. And her little daughter overheard the conversation. She got to know that her mother has been lying all these years to the whole world about her own mother. The little girl confronted her in front of her new husband and Enid went crazy..!!! She abused the little girl and announced to sent her away to boarding as well. The girl went as she had no choice but refused to go with her mom. 

The whole house was left with only Enid and her new husband now. She got pregnant again at the age of 47 but had a miscarriage by an accident. In the meantime....the press started printing the news that she is a fraud and that her writing is not her own. According to the press it was impossible for a single person to produce such an enormous amount of writing. Her pride...her career....and her success...all started going down steeply. And then she realised what has she done to her life. 

But then it was too late...and she was already suffering from dementia and died from it eventually at the age of 71. Although children still love to read her books....but whats the use if the life was such a waste!


  1. I have always loved Enid's books and most of her stories are wonderful for every child to read. I wish I had not read this aspect about her life. Sometimes it is not good to know the truth.

  2. @farida..i completely agree...even i am so disappointed with her!

  3. Wow! this was nice.
    The first books I read was Enid Blyton novels.

  4. @sorcerer...enid blyton's writing was fantastic...but not her personal being for sure!

  5. Hi Supriya.... I didn't see the bio but i am surprised at the portrayal... I loved her books when i was young and still would grab one on a low day... I guess, sometimes, it is better that we don't go in depth about our likes and dislikes. There's always a chance of change in the insight...

  6. @ratz...totally agreed...her writing was far beyond her persona. i just wanted to reflect the truth which i came across.

  7. I think no one is perfect. Some of the flaws that afflicted Enid Blyton also afflicted other big celebrities like Elvis Presley as I highlight so in my book on her, titled, The Famous Five: A Personal Anecdotage (, Maybe, it is better to remember Enid Blyton's books rather than her private life just as the Elvis Presley fans would rather remember his music rather than his personal shortcomings.
    Stephen Isabirye

  8. Never read any of her novels or saw movies..
    I found myself lucky not to have known the deepest truths of her life.
    :) :) :)



  9. are right but i just could not stop myself from being amazed at the deeper insight. But no doubt...her work was and is still at par excellence.

  10. @nipun...what are u saying??? you haven't ever read any of Enid Blyton's book??? Thats really amazing..and shocking!


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